Day 6: Angkor

“There are seven days in a week, and someday isn’t one of them”

Today was a day that I’m sure none of us will soon forget.

We took our hotel’s “Magical Full Day Adventure” which meant we had a guide for our first day exploring Angkor which was very helpful. We started off visiting The Bayon which Cole was very excited about seeing.

Then we went to Preah Kahn (note the bees nests up high in the tree)

Then we took a break in the pool to cool off as temperatures were getting close to 40C! And we had a little lunch.

Then back on the road and off to Preah Rup, where it started to rain a little.

Then lastly, we were off to Ta Sohm, where it started to rain, a lot. Like, lightning all around us, trees falling in the forest, and small streams a couple of inches deep forming as we waited for the rain to pass. We decided to run for it back to the van, which was maybe a good idea, and maybe wasn’t. It definitely was memorable! I don’t have the greatest pictures really of that part, because I was running.

We are now back at the hotel with kids playing Minecraft and me trying to get everything hung up to dry – which seems unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Things we learned: 

  • Rice used to be cultivated here 4 times per year, and now is only once.
  • Primary school is compulsory, and classes are usually about 1 teacher to 45 – 60 kids (!)
  • In storms, trees block roads here just like at home, only here, you just drive around them, even if you’re off the road.
  • Blake can jump about 2 feet in the air if properly surprised.
  • There are parasitic trees which will, over the course of 20 years kill their host trees. There are also little plants which, if you touch them, respond by closing up their leaves, and then over the course of a couple of hours, will open back up. We saw both of these today and they were cool.
  • We learned a ton about Buddhism and Hinduism as well – this area has a fascinating history.

Spectacular Day!